What a Fabulous Summer Journey
I can't believe that our "Summer of Color" is finished. Time flies when you're having fun. The artwork was amazing and meeting new and kindred spirits was beyond priceless. Many thanks to Kristin of "Twinkle, Twinkle" for hosting this incredible event.
This week was about birthday cards. Next week I hope to start on the projects that I have racing around in my head inspired from all the beautiful work that I have seen over the past ten weeks.
Happy Birthday Dylan!
Happy Birthday Ian!
Happy First Birthday Larrah!!!
Looking forward to our "Summer of Ice Cream Colors" in 2012!
And Then There Was Orange !!!!!
Here we are at our last week for "Summer of Color" projects. It was a wonderful process of making art and meeting new artists.
It's been a crazy busy week so I'm sharing a couple of garden photos and an art piece that was done a little while ago.
This was an important project for me. Orange was a color I wasn't comfortable with. I had to pick a crayon out of a bag and create something with whatever color I chose. I just knew that I would end up with orange. By the time it was finished I had gotten over my dislike of working with orange. Please stop by "Twinkle Twinkle" to visit all the wonderful artists from "The Summer of Color".